Brentano et la théorie réaliste de la vérité

  • Jocelyn Benoist CNRS-Archives Husserl de Paris


 The author deals with the Brentanian theory of truth, as it is sketched in Ueber den Begriff der Wahrheit (1889). He shows how, although entrenched in a deep sense of "real", this theory moves away from the traditionally to realism assigned "correspondence theory". Following Brentano and carrying out a systematic comparison of his views to Austin's ones, he investigates how far, in fact, a strict realism is incompatible with any kind of "correspondence theory". On the other side, he tries to make sorne sense of the ide a of a truth as "adequacy".

How to Cite
BENOIST, Jocelyn. Brentano et la théorie réaliste de la vérité. Phainomenon, [S.l.], n. 8, p. 9-29, apr. 2004. ISSN 2183-0142. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 06 oct. 2024.