Science and the Lebenswelt on Husserl’s Philosophy of Science

  • Jairo José Da Silva Centro de Filosofia da Universidade de Lisboa


I present and discuss in this paper Husserl's investigation of the genesis of the modern conception of empirical reality as carried out in his last work The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology. The goal ofHusserl's genetic investigation was to uncover the many layers of constitution that from the life-world (the Lebenswelt) the modern scientific conception of Nature was originated and to point out the need to ground the scientific project of modernity in the life-world so as to overcome the "alienation" that, for him, characterized the "crisis" of European science. I, however, approach his analyses from a different perspective. The problem that interests me here is the applicability of mathematics in the empirical science. My aim is to assess Husserl's treatment of this question in order to see whether it can be sustained from a strictly scientific perspective. My conclusion is that it cannot. What Husserl takes for the "crisis" of science is inherent to the best scientific methodology. Nonetheless, Husserl's analyses offer important insights that I incorporate in what I believe to be a more satisfactory treatment of the problem concerning the role of mathematics in the empirical science.


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How to Cite
DA SILVA, Jairo José. Science and the Lebenswelt on Husserl’s Philosophy of Science. Phainomenon, [S.l.], n. 25, p. 83-107, oct. 2012. ISSN 2183-0142. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 13 jan. 2025.
Monographic Section: Mathematizing Nature