Mundo e finitude em Heidegger

  • José Manuel Heleno Universidade Católica Portuguesa


Our goal is to reflect about Heidegger's conception of world and finitude. We analyse some features of Heidegger's works before Sein und Zeit, particularly the notion of Dasein and the es gibt. The other moment of our reflection is the relation between world, finitude and time. We finalize writing some critical remarks, recalling the philosophy of Heraclitus and the complicity between logos and Sein.


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How to Cite
HELENO, José Manuel. Mundo e finitude em Heidegger. Phainomenon, [S.l.], n. 22-23, p. 65-88, oct. 2011. ISSN 2183-0142. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 17 jan. 2025.