Enigma do espaço: fenomenologia e ontofenomenologia da profundidade em M. Merleau-Ponty

  • Luís António Umbelino Universidade de Coimbra


In our paper we aim to meditate on the concept of depth (profondeur) in the works of M. Merleau-Ponty, as it is a key notion to understand the French philosopher's concept of space. Furthermore we will try to show that space plays a fundamental role in the development of Merleau-Ponty's philosophy, allowing us to understand important features both of his phenomenological readings and ontological project.

How to Cite
UMBELINO, Luís António. Enigma do espaço: fenomenologia e ontofenomenologia da profundidade em M. Merleau-Ponty. Phainomenon, [S.l.], n. 18-19, p. 185-206, oct. 2009. ISSN 2183-0142. Available at: <http://phainomenon-journal.pt/index.php/phainomenon/article/view/194>. Date accessed: 11 feb. 2025.